The Cult Around the Corner by Nancy O'Meara

The Cult Around the CornerA handbook on dealing with other people’s religions.

What the heck is a “cult”? Who cares? There are as many definitions as there are groups of people.

The important thing (my opinion) is whether someone you are concerned about is in a healthy situation.  How are they doing?  Do they want to be part of an improv group and maybe never make a million doing so, but love what they’re doing?  Before you judge, go watch them.  Wow!  Who knew they were so good?  (Or whatever group, religion, interest was what it turns out to be when you find out more.)

Find out for yourself before you judge.  Sounds like a plan, yes?

This book can also be useful if YOU are the one in the improv group (or medieval fair buff, ax throwing contests, or even a different religion than others in your family or close circle.)

As mentioned in the book, “DIversity is a wealth we all share.  Revel in it.”

Thoughts from Some of Those
Who Read and Enjoyed

An excellent guidebook

This is a sensible guidebook for anyone who is concerned about the religious choices of others.
Written out of the experience of helping thousands of concerned parents, friends, neighbors, etc., this book explains how to address the “problem” of a loved one joining a religion one doesn’t fully understand.
Logically, the first recommendation is to “calm down” so one can be effective in addressing the situation.

Jane James
Amazon Review
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